Turbojet Technologies provides
- Support and maintenance for Drupal, Backdrop CMS, and other PHP-based websites.
- New builds of open source web solutions, including Drupal, Backdrop, and other solutions using PHP.
- Decoupled and hybrid web applications using React on the front end and Drupal on the back end.
- Integrations between your Drupal-based website and other systems, including proprietary systems.
Dedicated to Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Higher Education
We help small businesses, nonprofits, and higher education clients use cost-effective, open source web solutions to let their ideas take flight. We specialize in Drupal and its fork, Backdrop CMS, but can support other PHP applications as well.
About Turbojet's Founder
Turbojet Technologies was founded July, 2015, by Paul McKibben. Paul has been developing Drupal and PHP projects since 2008, and he makes regular improvements to Drupal core software and contributed modules. His software development career spans more than 25 years.
See Paul's background on LinkedIn.
Can we help you?
Please reach out if you would like us to help you extend your current web investment, or if we can build you a new solution.